SEO, which stands for search engine optimisation, is the marketing practice of optimising your website to improve the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

SEO is a highly specialized service that will help your website perform better rankings in search engines, improving visibility, increasing conversion rates and sales. SEO started as Search Marketing and as the service to help your website rank higher in Google and other Search Engines but now is way more than that. World Wide Web is changing fast and companies are feeling more and more the needs and opportunities of the Internet and what they can succeed from their own Website.

SMSSQUAD approach is founded upon understanding your own unique businesses challenges and objectives, before building a bespoke SEO strategy that’s right for you, with a focus on providing an exceptional return on your investment.


How our talented SEO team can help?

We are an experienced and talented team of passionate consultants who live and breathe SEO. Our SEO team of marketers includes technical leads, creative’s, writers, designers and developers. We have worked in the most competitive industries, in many locations around the world, with both household brands and small and medium sized businesses. We believe in building long-term relationships with clients, based upon shared ideals and success. Our SEO agency provides the following and more:

SEO Consultancy

We help you define your SEO objectives & develop a realistic strategy with you. You may have in-house marketing teams who require support & guidance, or you may need us to be your full SEO team. We work in both ways & advise on the best approach.

Keyword & Market Research

Solid keyword & market research help guide SEO strategy and allow us to provide realistic projections and forecasts of opportunity within your market. We don’t make wild estimations or promises we can’t keep

Social Media Promotion

While the search engines are still in their infancy in understanding & using social signals algorithmically in scoring, it’s important to reach your audience across all channels & amplify your content & message.

Reporting & Analysis

We love data and provide monthly reporting on visibility, analytics, conversions & revenue (or value), so the performance of the campaign can be attributed back to the SEO investment & what matters to your company.